The first week of third grade has come and gone quickly! I hope your child enjoyed their week as much I did.
Your child brought home a colored file folder and a red and white First Day Packet (if you did not pick this up at Meet the Teacher) inside their red folder today. It is filled with a plethora of items requiring your attention.
Please sign and return:
* the emergency dismissal card
*the paper-clipped items in the colored file folder
* any PTA forms - membership, purchasing T-shirts, etc.
* SERVE forms - if you plan to volunteer or chaperone any field trips
* Supply donations
* Free/reduced lunch forms - if applicable
* the detention letter
* the Internet/video/picture permission form
* the lunchroom rules
* the attendance policy
Thanks for your prompt attention to these matters. Thank you to most families who've turned in ALL papers!
I feel certain that many of the children will be hungry before lunchtime in the coming days. It takes a while to readjust to a school schedule. Our lunch time is from 12:08-12:38, and I imagine that I will need to nibble on a small, healthy snack myself mid-morning. Please tuck a small, healthy snack in your child's backpack if you'd like. Thanks!
- Parents: :) Please turn in completed forms as soon as possible. We've asked that you take some time to write to us about your child--be sure it's "In a Million Words or Less"...check the assignment for more details. (It came home in a manila folder and is due on August 31st. Thank you to those parents who have already completed this assignment!)
Please send in Boxtops for Education anytime. Hopefully, you've been saving them all summer long. We have a Box Tops collection box in the room for them.
Thank you to all of those who've sent in all their supplies! We have plenty of paper towels, baggies and hand sanitizer! You guys rock! :)
Here is a suggested supply list for third grade:
• Scissors
• Plastic pocket folders with center clasp (one of each: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, and purple)
• 24 pencils (no mechanical)
• 24 pencil top erasers
• Box of markers, colored pencils, crayons
• Box of markers, colored pencils, crayons
• Highlighter
• Glue sticks – 3 total
• Four composition books
• Pencil box or pouch
• Wide-ruled notebook paper
Each night your child will bring home their "Communications Folder." which contains everything to help keep them stay organized. This red 3-pronged folder houses our weekly newsletter, homework, and other important information that assists with communication between home and school. They should be taken home and returned to school DAILY. We will begin using our Communications Folders as soon as possible.
This year Early Release Days will take place EVERY Monday. On Early Release Mondays, students eat lunch at school and are dismissed at 1:15pm, instead of 2:15pm.
Third graders love when their parents come in to read! I have plenty of Fridays available for you to come in as a Mystery Reader. Please email me with dates that you would like to read, and I will check the schedule and confirm with you.
Third graders love when their parents come in to read! I have plenty of Fridays available for you to come in as a Mystery Reader. Please email me with dates that you would like to read, and I will check the schedule and confirm with you.
I love documenting our "practices" and events throughout the year and because I want you to see what goes on in Room 123 (and around Gorrie), I post photographs weekly on our classroom blog, and I sent home a form last week requesting your permission to post these photo on-line. I encourage you to check often to see new pictures! You can even share with relatives that may not live here in Tampa, but still want to keep up-to-date on the happenings of your little super star! :)
Communication is important. Feel free to contact me when you have a question, comment, or concern. You can reach me by email at heather.robinson@sdhc.k12.fl.us or write me a note on the Communications Log in the Communications Folder.
Would you like to see something on the class site? Email me at heather.robinson@sdhc.k12.fl.us with your suggestions. I love suggestions!
Mrs. Robinson