
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Unexpected Recognition is Awesome!

A few weeks ago, I linked up with Marygrove College to discuss how I use Bucket-Filling to help create a positive classroom climate in my third grade class. Last week, I was notified by Colleen from Marygrove that my contribution would be featured in their Guide for Successful Bucket-Filling Techniques! Pretty cool!

Then, this morning, I found out that I was awarded The Versatile Blogger Award by Nannette Third Grade's a Charm! Thank you so much! What a nice surprise - I appreciate knowing that people are reading what I'm posting here (and liking it!).

In order to accept this award, the rules state that I must divulge seven things about myself and list fifteen other bloggers who also deserve this award.

First, seven things you might not know about me (since I have already listed ten things about me in a previous post, this list may be a little fluffier and more random than the other list!):

1. I am a big fan of nail polish, and I own close to 100 different colors.
2. Lizards, skinks, newts, and salamanders gross me out.
3. I love creating organizational systems that are practical and pretty.
4. I have been interested in name history and etymology since I was a kid.
5. Just after graduating from college (and not quite ready to settle into teaching), I worked at a make-up counter at Dillards department store for about six months.
6. In my early 20s, I went swing/rockabilly dancing about four nights a week - I loved it!
7. When I was a kid, I used to compete in synchronized swimming.

Now, the harder part is choosing just fifteen of the amazingly inspiring bloggers that I read as often as I can. Since I try to keep up with over 100 teachers across the country, narrowing it down to fifteen in tough! Here we go in no particular order...
Pitner's Potpourri
One Extra Degree
Keeping Up With Class
Get in the Fold
First Grade Parade
Create Share Teach
A Series of Third Grade Events
Life in 4B
Runde's Room
Clutter-Free Classroom
Guided Math
The Craft Junkie
Third Grade Meanderings
Go Fourth! With Mrs. Owens

Thanks to everyone who takes the time out of their day to read my little blog!


  1. Thank you so much for giving me and my little 'ol blog this award! Your words of kindness are greatly appreciated. Your blog looks great as well!

  2. Thanks SO much! BTW - I used to do synchronized swimming for a few years. ;)

    Runde's Room

  3. Thank you so much! What a great way to start the week!

  4. Thank you so much! Working on getting mine up!
    Cindy @ love2learn2day

  5. Hi Heather!

    I LOVE your classroom! It's so nice to see other third grade teachers that use mountain language too! I was wondering if you'd share where you got your labels that you use for your daily agenda on your whiteboard.

